See you out on the Trail

See you out on the Trail


I bought my first camera body on my 24th birthday.  I didn't realize when I hit the "Purchase" button that it would become the key that would open up the floodgates and light up my imagination to the wonders and excitement that photography can create.  I've always enjoyed the outdoors, having spent much of my childhood roaming around the mountains around my hometown in Eastern Oregon.  The sound of the wind blowing through pine trees and the vista of mountain lakes are some of the driving forces that keep my imagination soaring, and having a camera in my hand gives me the motivation to pursue those images.

I moved to Colorado in 2015 to advance my career as a Photojournalist.  I didn't know at the time that Colorado would be one of the greatest places in the world to be a photographer.  Not only am I lucky enough to be living right next to the Rocky Mountains, but I'm within a day's drive or less of a dozen National Parks and Open Spaces, let alone dozens of State Parks.  Depending on the time of year, you can find me (or get lost with me) in the mountains of Colorado, the deserts of Utah, and the mesas of northern New Mexico. In 2018 I checked off a bucket list item by spending a week and half in Ireland, driving around the country capturing some exciting images and exploring a truly unique landscape.

In early 2018 I also began documenting my adventures through the creation of my YouTube channel. By recording my photography outings on video, I hope to show you as a viewer how wonderful the natural world is while at the same time creating an appreciation for just how important it is that we respect and preserve the landscape that we have so that we can continue to enjoy it for a long time to come.

As my photography journey continues to evolve, I anticipate that many changes to happen not only to myself but also to this site, so please be sure to check back regularly for updates, new photographs, and videos which you can find on the blog section of this website.

See you out on the Trail!